The Next Generation is our foundation and the people, projects, and organisations we support and back.
As philanthropists, we shift the focus onto the social innovators and their work: the visionary leaders we seek are the local voices who take charge of creating solutions to the world’s most pressing issues by leading collective action.
The Next Generation starts with us.
We believe that adversity contains the possibility of transformation and aren’t afraid to shake things up.
Embracing early-stage innovation, we help get new, bold ideas off the ground. We keep pushing the limits of what we think is possible, and never stop learning.
We think big, and act local.
The challenges we are confronted with are complex and monumental – no one has all the answers.
We sharpen our gaze for extraordinary leaders, centering their work in shaping new paths forwards.
We are here to be of service to their vision.
We deeply care about the world we live in, and each other’s well-being. We have the interest of the generations to come at heart. We walk our talk and support real actions.
Authentic change goes hand in hand with transparency, integrity, and accountability.
Meet the team
The Next Generation is made up of a collective of hearted business folk with experience and a wild desire to help find and build world-changing ideas.