Multicultural Leadership Initiative

The Multicultural Leadership Initiative (MLI) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organisation that identifies gaps and grows solutions to enable racially, culturally and linguistically diverse people to participate in building a climate-safe future.

Our Impact

The majority of the world's population represents greater racial and cultural diversity than what the current climate leadership is reflecting in government, business and the civil sector. Recognising the urgency with which we must act on climate change, MLI identifies and rapidly scales up these underrepresented voices to become key advocates for evidence-based climate policy that recognises the realities of our multicultural world.

Climate action is not the single domain or responsibility of one part of society. Building a climate safe future requires all of us to be involved. To this end, MLI works in a non-partisan way to support the acceleration and growth of emerging and current community, business and political leaders who wish to take on a more active leadership role in building climate solutions.

The Next Generation is a founding supporter of MLI and sees them as a key pillar in ensuring a transition to a cleaner world that is also fair and equitable.

Climate action is not the single domain or responsibility of one part of society. Building a climate safe future requires all of us to be involved. To this end, MLI works in a non-partisan way to support the acceleration and growth of emerging and current community, business and political leaders who wish to take on a more active leadership role in building climate solutions.


Sydney Community Foundation

